Proticy uses a mobile learning analytics software platform powered by Precision In Learning (PIL), a teaching methodology to improve student learning and enhance instructors teaching. PIL is a proprietary teaching methodology developed by Dr. Young, the principal investigator and creator of the Proticy platform, specifically for use as a mobile application. Proticy and PIL work together to allow for the collection, analytics and interpretation of data; and further provide recommendations for teaching and learning. Dr. Young developed PIL in its Generation I (paper and pencil) version in 2008. She conducted PIL in over 30 semester courses before moving to its cloud based Generation II prototype version. The second novel aspect of Proticy is the Specialized Algorithm, yet to be built, that will guide Proticy’s precision, personalized and predictive analytics. Dr. Young’s research on culture and the design of information and communication technologies will guide the development of the Specialized Algorithm’s focus on psychological, anthropological and academic data about each learner.
Proticy was originally built to better control the learning environment and monitor student interactions. In developing Proticy, it was found that it minimized bias, improved instructor and student interactions and fostered a caring environment that ultimately retained students.