Grants & Awards

Non-competitive Support
2022, $20,000 UMBC, Department of Education, CAHSS, Keep Your Major - Marketing Campaign
2019 $13,500 - UMBC Department of Education. Matching Grant for On-Ramps To Full Professor
2017 $22,000 - UMBC Department of Education. Summer Research Fund for Proticy
2016 $5,000 - Patricia Young Research Fund. Monies sponsored by a UMBC alumni donation
Competitive Grants Awarded
2023- Present $100,000 per year, Childcare, Career and Professional Development Fund, Maryland State Department of Education.
2020 - 2022 $49,974 - Sherman Center Faculty Research Award sponsored by The Sherman Center for Early
Learning in Urban Communities, UMBC; Infusing a Culture-based Computational Thinking Curriculum
2020 - 2021 $54,511 - Maryland Center for Computing Education: Exploring Computational Thinking with Preservice
Teachers & Teacher Education Instructors, University of Maryland System, PI, Co-PI Deborah Kariuki
2019 - 2020 $27,400 - On-Ramps To Full Professor: Research Acceleration Award, Office of the Provost, University of Maryland Baltimore County
2018 - 2019 - Maryland Technology Internship Program (MTIP), University of Maryland Baltimore County, Funding reimbursement for companies that hire UMBC interns. Monies reimbursed are 3 determined by intern hours worked.
2016 $24,893 - UMBC Technology Catalyst Fund, Office of Technology Development, University of Maryland Baltimore County
2011 $7,000 - Director’s Visiting Research Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh’s Learning Research and Development Center
2010 $4,000 - Research Seed-Funding Initiative, Office of the Vice President for Research, CoInvestigator, PI: Tyson King-Meadows. University of Maryland Baltimore County
2009 $1,500 - Undergraduate Research Assistant Support, University of Maryland Baltimore County
2005 $4,000 - DRIF Award: Summer Faculty Fellowship, University of Maryland Baltimore County
2004 $3,903 - Fund For Academic Excellence (Travel), Howard University
2003 $3,500 - Fund for Academic Excellence, Howard University
2003 - 2004 $10,000 - The University Sponsored Faculty Research Program in the Social Sciences, Humanities and Education, Howard University, PI
2002 - 2004 $38,000 - New Faculty Research Program, Howard University, PI
2002 $4,804 - Walter and Theodora Daniel Endowed Educational Research Fund, Howard University
2002 $1,000 - Advanced Online Summer Technology Grant, California State University Fullerton
2001 $200 - Teaching Mini-Grant, California State University Fullerton
2001 Stipend & Student Assistant, Service Learning Mini-Grant, California State University Fullerton
2001 $550 - Summer Technology Institute Grant, California State University Fullerton
2000 Release time from a course, Research Grant, Untenured Faculty Support Grant Program, California State University Fullerton
2000 $1,000 - Faculty Awards Program —Travel Grant, California State University Fullerton
2000 - Conference stipend, American Educational Research Association's (AERA) Committee on the Role and Status of Minorities in Educational Research and Development
1999 $1,000 - Faculty/Student Research and Creativity Grant, California State University Fullerton
1999 $500 - Untenured Faculty Support Grant Program, California State University Fullerton
Honors Received
Lifetime Achievement Award: Recipient of the 2023 Dean’s Medallion award from the IU School of Education and Dean Stacy Morrone! The Indiana University Bloomington School of Education Dean’s Medallion is a lifetime achievement award given to individuals who have demonstrated an unwavering commitment and distinguished contributions to the betterment of society through education. Honorees’ work must represent extraordinary standards of excellence as evidenced by scholarship or creative activity; professional achievement; or public service.
Outstanding Publication Award for a Book, Culture, Learning and Technology (CLT) Division, Award granted for most interesting and relevant to CLT, high quality of content, high-anticipated impact to the field and high quality of writing style. Human Specialization in Design and Technology: The Current Wave for Learning, Culture, Industry and Beyond, 2021.
Exceptional Service Award, Association for Educational Communications & Technology - Culture, Learning & Technology Division Award. Award received for outstanding leadership and service to the division.
Outstanding and Dedicated Service to the Division Award, Association for Educational Communications & Technology – Teacher Education Division. Award received for outstanding leadership and service to the division.
Distinguished Service Award, Association for Educational Communications & Technology - International Division. Highest service award that recognized a member for leadership, dedication and service to the profession in the international arena. It also recognized the person for participation in the International Division and contributions to AECT at large.
Outstanding Journal Article Award, Association for Educational Communications and Technology: Design & Development Division. Award received for the article: Integrating Culture in the Design of ICTs.